After-Care Instructions


The Porch Doctor has the most luxurious resurfacing product on the market today that is building code and CCMC approved.

•  PROTECT your resurfacing surface by avoiding dragging heavy objects that can cause scuffs or tears. Do not extinguish cigarettes on your new surface. Keep the surface looking great by wiping spills as soon as they occur and removing organic material i.e, leaves before they decompose which can cause staining. Avoid incompatible material such as rubber, pressure treated wood, or cedar. Provide a layer of protection from metal orcedar furniture and planters by using plastic foot pads and planter trays. Also put protection under BBQ’s toavoid grease stains.

•  SNOW AND ICE: Use only a plastic shovel to remove ice and snow. “Rock Salt, Kitty Litter,” and other snow melting chemicals can be used, however the surface must be cleaned thoroughly with soap and water prior to letting the spring sun “bake” any chemicals into the surface.

•  GENERAL CLEANING: The more frequently the surface is cleaned, the easier it is to keep it clean. Aresurfacing project should be cleaned at least four times per year (more often if acid rain or airbornepollution is a problem in your area using gentle cleaning products. Follow the directions on the label. Use warm water and a stiff broom, scrubbing in a circular motion to loosen the dirt. Spray with a garden hose (underpressure) to wash away the loose dirt. It is OK to use a pressure washer with a setting no more than 1500psi (max), and hold the nozzle (rotary or turbo nozzle) a minimum of 12 inches above the surface, being careful to avoid railing

attachments. Flush thoroughly with clean water.

For tougher stains, please call us and we will check out the problem.IMPORTANT NOTES-PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

•  Any cleaning agent is used at your own risk.

•  Always clean immediately. Test an unseen area of the surface before cleaning stain.

•  All cleaning methods must be followed by a thorough rinse with water.

•  Cleaning should be done when the surface is cool to the touch and not in direct sunlight/peak heat of the day.

•  Certain household cleaners, powdered abrasives, steel wool, and industrial cleaners can cause damage anddiscoloration and are not recommended. Dry cleaning fluids and lacquer solvents should not be used, as they will remove the printed pattern and gloss. Waxes may contain dyes or solvents that can permanently damage the protective coating.


•  CAUTION: Do not attempt to clean stains, paint any blemish using any undiluted bleach, acetone, turpentine, l lacquer thinner, ketone, acid, or multipurpose stain or paint remover as you may cause the removal of clear coat. Cleaning solutions must be dabbed, NOT rubbed. Clean well with a mild cleanser and water than flush thoroughly with lots of clean water. Always test on an “out of the way” place to ensure there will be no problems with the cleaning agent you selected.